CPU: Dual Xeon X5670 @ 3.33GHZ


HDD: 12TB RAID 50 Array

With hot backups to two separate machines and a separate cloud backup with 30 days of retention for hot backups and 90 days of retention for cold backups.

We are hosted on a dedicated modem (unfortunately provided by our ISP, but it was the only way to guarantee support from them with our gigabit connection).  Login server is constantly updated via dynamic DNS as dedicated IPs aren't available through our ISP at this time for our level of service. All internal switching and routing is handled by a combination of Ubiquiti network gear (EdgeRouter4, ERX).

Additionally, all of our infrastructure is on a UPS that is keyed to save and safely shutdown the server in the event of a power outage in our area.

Our Story

A bit of background on the long history of the server, beginning from its foundations in pre-Basilisk days.

With screenshots and video of days gone by.


For the tech nerds out there, check out our hardware specs.


We are grateful for any contributions to help with our ongoing hosting costs or hardware.  Recurring Donation or One-Time Donation